Health and wellbeing come from within.
Through daily practice, discipline, and form we awaken our elemental being and remember our true home and connection to nature. When the form falls away the formless blossoms, leading us to deeper truths and liberation.


Virtual Ritual Offerings

We enter into Temple space together, honoring the cycles of the Moon.
To receive details and offerings regarding our upcoming monthly community rituals please subscribe to the All Matters of Spirit newsletter.

Cha Dao | The Way Of tea

“The Way of Tea” is a daily practice, a space for self-cultivation and an approach to life… When we explore the medicine of Tea in ceremony, we open our awareness to the dance of the elements and the teachings of nature itself.


1:1 Mentorship

To express our total ecstatic nature we must also know the space of the subtle, trust in our own stillness, feel our center and the place that is our true home. I am here to help you develop consistency in daily practice and to be a mirror for your growth and self cultivation.


Stay connected to receive information on monthly offerings, in person retreats, poetry, imagery and musings…